Help with interface not coming up

After running successfully for awhile, I’ve had my starlink connection become unavailable in smoothwan. The connection is working when I connect directly but in openwrt it’s not working.

I’ve tried manually bringing it up via “ip link set up” but when I check the status it still shows as down. I’m connecting it to a raspberry pi 4 via usb and have swapped 3 different usb adaptors. I don’t see anything in dmesg. I’ve restarted all combinations of devices. My other isps are working just fine.

How do I best troubleshoot? I can’t find anything indicating what might be wrong.

Hi, can you try disabling USB interface renamer as in the quick setup guide to check for any conflict?

I noticed I was a still a release back because I didn’t have that setting. I have since upgraded, and then tried that setting but still no luck.

That’s an interesting issue.

I’m guessing others are tethered hotspot/phone?