Customizing DHCP server address and/or Reverting from AdGuard

Hey guys,

I must be dumb because I can’t for the life of me change my DHCP server settings to something else since you moved it to AdGuard.

Every once in a while I can get it to work. But not joking… takes at LEAST an hour.

I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong or doing it out of order, but it is a huge pain in the ass.

If I go change the static URL on BR-LAN in Interfaces first, then I can’t access the machine without manually assigning things DHCP settings on my machine because the change in Interfaces doesn’t effect AdGuard. And sometimes I can’t get back to the router at all. Like right now.

So then I completely wipe and start over. And start I by confirguring AdGuard settings first, but it doesn’t update the static IP in BR-LAN and then I’m stuck again.

I just want an easy way to change the subnet to whatever I want.

What am I doing wrong here?

I’ve finally resorted to trying to roll back this section based on the instructions here that
Tala posted, but those don’t fix the problem either.

(v0.99.9 HF4 - FLINT - DHCP ISSUE · Issue #136 · SmoothWAN/SmoothWAN · GitHub)

I couldn’t replicate these issues but I’ll add an option to disable AdGuardHome and use stock OpenWrt DNSmasq settings in AdGuard LuCI page if it helps.
The problems persisted even after disabling ADGHome and enabling dnsmasq per the instructions posted? If so what are they?

It’s recommended to change DHCP settings first while connected, then set the LAN IP address.

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Found an issue with adghome DHCP not always restarting on iface, fixed next release.

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Reverted to DNSmasq in 0.99.9HF5